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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

#LOVE: Giveaway Winners!

Carrie Jung

Before we announce our winners I wanted to take a second to tell you all how much fun we had reading through your comments! It was so cool to hear all of your stories about your first quilts and favorite pre cuts!

And now, without any further ado, our winners...

Our Charm Pack will be going home with C Bourque who said:

My first quilt was a King size row-by-row sampler. Nothing like just “jumping in with both feet”. It took me 2 weeks to finish it……and I was hooked!!!

Beth T. will be receiving a copy of our book, Sweet and Simple Sewing. She wrote:

I look forward to seeing Pedal Pushers in my local quilt shop. The soft colors combined with navy really sing.

And the lucky winner of a Pedal Pushers fat quarter bundle is Karen, who wrote:

I love your fabric line. It s bright and cheery.

If your name is on this list, you'll be getting an email from us very soon to gather shipping information.

Congratulations to our winners and a big thanks to everyone who hopped through the Moda Love blog tour. I hope you had as much fun as we did learning more about each other!